The Titans

of Security Industry!

Netrika Coffee Table Book is all set to unveil the legends of the risk industry, who have been instrumental in changing the face of the security and risk domain
and continue to provide yeoman service.

The first of its kind in Risk Industry!


21st May 2021


3pm - 5pm


Virtual launch


As blood is to the flesh, the risk is to a business. To no surprise, with a new business venture or an already-running corporation, there always comes a certain degree of risk. A risk that can be both internal and external and can have devastating impacts on the core of the business. As we have already entered the digital age with a promise to transform our future, we’ve consciously or unconsciously drawn severe risks to impede our ways.
Talking of this day, the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, in addition to the prevailing risks, has changed the work culture in its entirety. Not only has its onset made ‘remote working’ the new normal, but it has also exposed businesses to greater risks. While this swap in the working landscapes arising out of the new normal has exposed us to a new set of risks, they have also driven us to grab great opportunities to revamp and remould ourselves. And this is where businesses call for “Risk Management” to set foot in to not only form the life of a business but also emphasise acting proactively rather than reactively.
The ‘Coffee Table Book’ is an endeavour by Netrika Consulting India Pvt Ltd (Netrika) to celebrate the pioneers and torchbearers in the realm of security and risk and to appreciate their dedication and discernment to make the world a safer place to work and grow. This aligns with its unwavering commitment to understanding businesses and risks related to them, finding the best solutions to the obstacles, and empowering them with protection. These top industry leaders have been leading their way in the face of adversities to pronounce and enunciate their ideas and notions to the consortium to give them an apprehension of the development made in the sphere so far and to take these developments to newer heights.
The dark clouds of risks and threats will always hover over us as we tend to make our way through further advancements, but the bottom line remains that integrated risk management policies, systems and practices will always be relied upon for the long-term survival of businesses and organisations. Netrika takes pride in celebrating these prominent personalities helping businesses operate seamlessly, and making the world connect more like never before.


Leaders Who Changed The Face Of Security Industry!

About Company

Netrika Consulting India helps businesses forge confidently into the future. We specialise in forensic investigations, due diligence, cyber security,  background screening, security and risk management, legal solutions, brand security & regulatory compliance.

Our experts harness the power of their broad expertise and advanced technology to help you discern business challenges more precisely. We adopt the most feasible and legally viable approach to execute assignments in a seamless, cost-effective, and time-bound manner.

We help the world’s foremost organizations manage their integrity, negotiate challenging and ambiguous environments, build resilient strategies and create opportunities for your business to emerge stronger.

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