The Titans

of Security Industry!

Netrika Coffee Table Book is all set to unveil the legends of the risk industry, who have been instrumental in changing the face of the security and risk domain
and continue to provide yeoman service.

The first of its kind in Risk Industry!

The Titans

of Security Industry!

Netrika Coffee Table Book is all set to unveil the legends of the risk industry, who have been instrumental in changing the face of the security and risk domain and continue to
provide yeoman service.

The first of its kind in Risk Industry!


21st May 2021


3pm - 5pm


Virtual launch


The aim of every organisation is to generate profits in any business environment, notwithstanding the risks that it must live with. Risk management, thus, is an organisation’s way to ensure seamless operations and productivity, attain value and objectives, manage its employees – their roles and responsibilities as well as business processes. Management is accountable for regulating risks efficiently by executing an adequate risk management plan.


Incorporation of a ‘Risk Management’ plan from the ab initio stage and weaving a risk-aware ethos into an organisation’s DNA is like laying a strong foundation to withstand any untoward incident. Laying down of policies & procedures in respect of topics like ethics hotline, anti-bribery & corruption (covering PCA, UK bribery ACT & PCA), gifts and entertainment, ransom payments, political donation, investigation, briefing protocols – both for proactive and reactive work, a culture which promotes speaking freely about risks and shortfalls, etc are some of the activities/ policies which abet and ensure risk management and awareness.


As a best practice, all the hazards faced or that may be faced by an organisation must be identified, assessed, monitored, and managed within limits acceptable to the management. A risk management process further aims to minimise an organisation’s vulnerability to risks, prevent losses and avoid threats, while at the same time allowing the organisation to exploit every opportunity while ensuring that the risks are kept at bay and do not hamper an organisation’s growth.


The ‘Coffee Table Book’ by Netrika Consulting India Pvt Ltd (Netrika) aims to pay homage to the top industry leaders in the security & risk domain – which has been at the forefront in every emergency be it demonetisation, natural calamities, pandemics, riots, unrests, etc, by collating their names and their voices (messages) in one place. It aims to reach out to the fraternity and spread the message of the industry doyens – their ideas and concepts to give an insight into the strides that the domain has made over the years, where it is headed and the best practices that one could emulate. It aims at connecting people – to generate discussions, to evoke new ideas, to help collaborate and evolve together, to make the industry more connected as well as grow from strength to strength.


Leaders Who Changed The Face Of Security Industry!

About Company:

Established in 2013, Netrika Consulting India has been catering the 360 – degree risk and security needs of their clients with best results. Our multidisciplinary organisation covers all the aspects of enterprise risk management, for businesses to avoid pitfalls and keep their firm protected. Our team comprises of former police and army officials, chartered accountants, MBAs, forensic experts and experts from the consulting industry.

Our Team:

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  Plot # 2, Industrial Estate, Udyog Vihar, Phase – IV, Gurugram 122015, Haryana, India.

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