While the business risk is inevitable, with successful planning and expert intervention, this vulnerability can be dealt with safely to ensure finances and reputation loss are averted or sometimes kept to a minimum. A certified risk management professional is well versed in risk management and offers a layer of protection with their expertise. The enterprise […]
A deep dive into the threat & risk-free acquisition that your business deserves! The business world revolves around the concept of Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A), where every brand is consistently contemplating purchasing another or combining to form a new entity. To revere this motivational notion, there lies a fleet of M&As that has been one […]
Is your business equipped to deal with the after-battle of corporate fraud? The Corporate world is always in a vulnerable position of being the victim of fraudulent activities that dents its financial stature and ruins the business reputation entirely. A classic example of corporate fraud, which shook the nation’s businesses to their roots was the […]
An estimated $63 billion was improperly paid out through Covid-19 related unemployment fraud and the statistics are still counting. Crisis time turning into a fertile ground for fraudsters COVID-19 pandemic proved to be this century’s biggest catastrophe affecting billions across the world and leaving millions of families stranded and on the verge of collapse. While […]
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Certified protection professional course introduces and exposes a security professional to recognize crime and acquire mitigation skills to prevent its occurrence in the future. It offers exposure to the professionals on how specialists work in tandem with law enforcement and establish a synergy between optimizing the physical environment and scale […]
Does your supply chain security render a fool-proof warehouse management control?Do you ever question the accuracy and security of your organizational warehouse? Or, has your organization been on the receiving end of lost inventory, shrinkage, cargo theft, etc.? While we cite these issues, you must have a relating question of what inventory shrinkage or cargo […]
While a business collaboration is in its design phase, predicting its profitability, brand expansion, and risk structure is complex. This involves incorporating tools and technologies to access the revenue, cost, and risk. Profitability and more such aspects are introduced. However, these techniques do not give insights into the business market uncertainty and its future characteristics. […]
The why and how of vendor fraud! While internal threat encompasses a major section of the fraud landscape, employees are not always the fraud contributors in an organization. Businesses that provide their services or products to organizations can also engage in fraudulent activities, often termed vendor frauds. Vendor or procurement frauds are the quid pro […]
Does fraud affect a section of a business or swallow all its verticals? Let’s find out! As scamsters continue their trail of drilling vulnerable holes in business sections, fraud examiner certifications garner a more advanced approach to enable streamlined and transparent investigation. With technological disruption swaying the global marketplace, the expansion and intrusion of frauds […]
CFE Exam – Netrika Consulting CFE Exam is a globally recognized certification for professionals specializing in fraud prevention, detection, and investigation, covering various aspects of fraud examination. Are you aspiring to become a certified fraud examiner, but do not have a detailed schedule to streamline your study plan and crack the CFE exam? Do the […]