Exactly how difficult is the Certified Fraud Examiner test?
No exam is tough if you work hard and practise with the appropriate materials.
There are 100 MCQs in the Certified Fraud Exam, with only 75 seconds to answer each question. Furthermore, the CFE Exam is a closed-book, closed-notes exam. Additionally, the professionals must keep in mind that they must secure at least 75% of the marks. This examination also includes the four components listed below:
- Examining and Investigating Fraud
It will put your knowledge of why individuals commit fraud and how to prevent it to the test. This section discusses the causes of crime, white-collar crime, occupational fraud, fraud prevention, fraud risk assessment, and the ACFE Code of Professional Ethics.
- Criminal Justice and Ethics
This section covers questions regarding conducting interviews, taking statements, gathering information from public documents, tracing illicit activities, judging dishonesty, and preparing reports.
- Financial Transactions and Fraud Schemes
It will assess your understanding of the various fraudulent financial transactions in accounting records. You must understand the following concepts to pass Financial Transactions & Fraud Schemes: basic accounting and auditing theory, fraud schemes, internal controls to deter fraud, and other auditing and accounting matters.
This guarantees your acquaintance with many legal repercussions performing fraud examinations, including criminal and civil law, rules of evidence, rights of the accused and accuser, and expert witness matters.
All you need to clear the certified fraud exam is a CFE study guide. Furthermore, you must exercise extreme caution while selecting study materials. Some in the Fraud Examiner Industry may argue that this test is difficult to break because people are terrified of putting up effort and working hard. Don’t worry. We’ve gathered all the relevant resources to assist you in better preparation and strategizing. Let’s get you started.